Eight Warning Signs of Vein Disease

Eight warning signs of Vein Disease:

  1. Tired, heavy-feeling legs

  2. Leg pain or discomfort from prolonged sitting or standing

  3. Swollen ankles at night

  4. Varicose veins or spider veins

  5. Tingling, numbness or cramping in legs and feet

  6. Discolouration of the skin in legs and/or feet

  7. Open sores or ulcers on lower legs

  8. Family history of vein problems

Did anything on this list surprise you? It's likely that someone in your immediate circle of family and friends has experienced at least one of these symptoms at some point in their life. As we age and our bodies change, it's inevitable that we would experience one or more of these things.

It's important to remember that just because something is common, it doesn't mean it's normal. This applies to anything in our medical story. We often think that new and developing symptoms in our bodies are normal because they are common, but this isn't always the case.

In the compression world, prevention is key. While we will always treat symptoms and conditions, education and early intervention can help prevent them from progressing. Taking the symptoms seriously and starting early can make a big difference in our health. Anyone who spends their day on their feet or sitting down, or comes home with tired, achy feet could benefit from compression.

To be more specific, compression can benefit:

  • Health professionals

  • Teachers

  • Those working in retail

  • Restaurant servers and cooks

  • Mechanics

  • All tradespeople

  • All those working from home offices

  • All those working in business offices

  • Truck drivers and couriers

If you're still unsure whether compression could benefit you, contact a Certified Compression Fitter.

NOTE: This post is not intended to diagnose or be construed as medical advice.  It is intended to provide some basic information to start a conversation with your health provider.  Ask your physician or member of your health care team before starting, stopping or making any changes to your health care plan.  All opinions are my own. 

Compression Garments at a strength of 20mmHg or higher are considered medical-grade compression and must be prescribed by a doctor.  They are used for the treatment of various medical conditions and should be used under the supervision of a doctor.


Why Custom Compression Socks Matter: Strength, Size, Material